
Fashionable Fonts

Date : 7. December 2017

Sometimes it is not that I am searching for something particular when I let fashion photo shoots accompany my typeface works. It’s just that something that I cannot quite explain that inspires me to refine my letters when I place them side by side. Maybe it is because fashion industry and therefor those extraordinary artists who contribute with their mastership, often achieved only by many years of hard work, always operates on the edge of a striking contrast or juxtaposition. Namely the will to achieve the highest degree of perfectionism almost on the brink to be unnatural, and at the same time the search for style supposed to be something purely personal and hence full of doubts* and imperfections. It is this that – on the far other side of these attempts – adds the human element which in the end leads to beauty.

I guess it is something similar at the heart of my font design. Here is my website’s textface that still needs lots of optimization to be done. Nevertheless I also like its little “mistakes”, I am willing to keep its imperfections.



*Regardless of what fashionists might tell you about that: style is not the result of being 100% sure about yourself. Style is the result of work. And the reason for work is doubt.

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