

  • <em>Forward</em> · <span class="author">Riccardo Gay</span> branding
    Forward · Riccardo Gay branding
  • <em>Forward</em> Numbers (original font)
    Forward Numbers (original font)
  • <em>Forward</em> Mixed (original font)
    Forward Mixed (original font)
Date : 10. June 2017

Another blast from the past. This is Forward. One of my very first (computer) typefaces. It came out in the times of a Miuccia Prada revolutionizing the concept of fashion just on the break of the new century with weird and witty shapes praised to be the new futurism.

It is far from being a “good” typeface in the sense of correctly connected Bézier curves and other things, but it made a perfect stand those times being used by some of the major Italian ad agencies. Among others it ornamented the 2000 Riccardo Gay model agency calendar.

Today we live in a time where throwing out new typefaces in million places over the web has become a normality.

I remember its forms came very spontaneously to me and just as a rockstar maybe, fighting for the rest of his life with his early breaking hit, I always was measured by it by my friends and followers. Today we live in a time where throwing out new typefaces in million places over the web has become a normality, but back in those days it was an awesome and thrilling task to experiment with new alphabet shapes and so it earned its name, I guess.

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