
Yves Saint Laurent

A Typeface Review for the Classic French Fashion Griffe’s Brand

Yves Saint Laurent Microsite · Inspiration Typeface

Yves Saint Laurent Microsite · Inspiration Typeface





The Design Story


I began the design of the Inspiration character with a set of intriguing inclined numbers. In a way I scribbled them down very fastly in an old program called FontStudio which allowed to do very fast and spontaneous black (filled outlines) letter designs without hasseling too much about the consistence of each singular Bézier curve. In fact I tended to look more on the model’s face than the letters themselves which gave me the possibility of a much more flowing and intuitive design process, to add some of those unconscious elements to it that I consider to be so important for a real unique character.

I looked for something extremely elagant, very refined and sensible but also powerful and “big”. […]